Helpful answers to frequent inquiries
We spend time at the beginning discussing your intentions for the session, and some time at the end touching base before you leave.
During the Reiki session you get to relax on a massage table, and allow the sacred space I maintain to bring you into a deeper healing space.
I connect to the Reiki energy as deeply as I can while letting the energy flow through my hands to heal you. Sometimes I will decide to go to each chakra one by one as is common in the Takata method or I will start by scanning different layers of your energy field to sense where the work needs to be done. I often do a lot of my work focused on your head, because I feel that is a great place to flow energy into the rest of the body, similar to how energy from the chakras enters through the head. I might intuitively wave my hands over the body in sync with the flow of the Reiki, encouraging and shaping the energy, often smoothing out your auric field, or occasionally pulling out old energy.
Reiki can be given from a distance as a hands free therapy, but some people find it is better as a hands on healing method. I will ask you for your preference regarding this and it is entirely up to you.
That is ultimately up to you and your belief system. I encourage you to seek the guidance of the authorities of your religion in this matter. I believe Reiki is a universal energy in our universe, but I also see it as Divine energy, as all things ultimately are Divine. Reiki, which comes from the source, is understood to come directly from the Divine. It is up to you and your religion whether that is accepted or not. You can speak with me beforehand and ask that in my session with you, for me to work only with universal energy.
Reiki is a healing white light energy that comes from the Divine source. The energy travels through the practitioner’s connection with the energy, entering their crown chakra to be projected to the recipient through the practitioner’s hands. The process of learning Reiki includes special Reiki attunements opening up the practitioners channel connecting them to the Reiki source.
Reiki is said to be an ancient healing method used by enlightened beings to heal which was forgotten and rediscovered by Mikao Usui, who felt that Kiko (Japanese Qi Gong) fell short of what is possible, which relies on the practitioner’s own energy and knowledge of directing energies. Instead Reiki works by drawing down Divine energy straight from the Divine source, and the energy itself is directed by Divine intelligence carried by the energy for the recipient’s highest good.
I typically leave space for around 15 minutes to meet, settle into the room, check in to make healing intentions and whatever else such as pulling an oracle card. After a session I will leave around 10 minutes so that we can discuss anything that may have come up during your session, and so that you can come back fully into your body and regain the alertness required for going about your day.
A 45 minute session will give us about 25 minutes to do Reiki, which is good for a quick refresh, and going through to balance the chakras.
A 60 minute session will allow for 45 minutes of Reiki, which is great for deeper more transformational work to occur, and allows me more space to do a more intuitive style session.
Reiki is always helpful! You might want to come in if you are feeling murky and stuck, or for extra support when going through a trying time. Reiki is a great bolster and supplement to traditional healing methods, especially when it feels like a roadblock has been hit.
It depends on your own energy sensitivity.
All people can expect a sense of deep relaxation. Some people experience warmth emanating from my hands. Feeling a shift in the body or emotional release is also common. It is possible to experience difficulty or tension as issues are being worked on and brought to the surface to be healed and released. Sensitive people may experience the warm comforting energy and feel its blessings or even be aware of the work being done.
Regular Reiki and energy work is what I attribute to growing my energy sensitivity and intuition, and I believe anyone can become sensitive in this way.
While some people find they are not at the point where they can specifically sense the Reiki energy, they can trust the Reiki is present and working on them. You can trust that the work has been done and you have received the benefit even if you are not able to sense it immediately.
I believe at the very least you can experience entering the alpha brainwave state, a place for restoration, peace, and spiritual work. It is of great benefit to enter this state regularly, the more we do, the more familiar we become with returning to the alpha state.
Being in the room with someone accessing Reiki will naturally encourage your mental waves and energy to match that level. If you have ever been in a holy place or a room of people relaxing or meditating, and if you experienced being drawn into a deeper state of calm, then you know what I am talking about. I believe the physical mechanism for this is due to mirror neurons picking up the state of the other person and matching it.
There are a few reasons that Reiki can be a really helpful part of your healing journey.
Reiki can help inspire us on our spiritual journey. I have found that Reiki lets me feel in touch with the Divine, giving me a small peek at what is possible if we have a stronger connection with the Divine. In this way Reiki has been the carrot on the stick, always pushing me forward reminding me how worthwhile the spiritual journey is.
Doctors are finding that if you believe in your healing, you are a lot more likely to have positive results than if you do not. I think spiritual work can help transform and strengthen your belief in your healing and in yourself, while strengthening a positive outlook on the world.
People find that Reiki treatments help with many kinds of pain, headaches, insomnia and stress. I think that it is a good supplemental healing to support traditional medical treatment and therapy. Reiki should not be used either to delay or in the place of seeking medical attention. If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms they could be impacting your health, please seek medical aid the sooner the better.
Energy healing focuses on healing you on the spiritual and energetic level. From a metaphysical standpoint we are composed of energy first, which then flows into the physical world taking form. Our physical form is then continually shaped and nourished by our subtle energy which flows to us and circulates around us. So the proper functioning and health of our physical body is guided by the proper flow and function of our energy body. Pathology can enter our system on any of the three levels, body, mind, or energy which is often referred to as spirit. When an issue occurs in any of the levels, it affects the other two levels.
Let us say that you sprain your back. Physically you experience pain, inflammation, and reduced functioning. Mentally you may feel stressed about the injury, pain and lack of ability to perform the way you are used to. On the energetic level, the energy channels tied to your physical body which bring energy to that area of the body experience a blockage and slows down, making it more difficult to circulate new and fresh energy through that channel. The stress also manifests in your energy body creating knots in the flow. In order to support physical healing, we can work on returning the proper functioning of the energy body.
The energy body functions as a blueprint for your physical body, which carries a memory of your body. It can come to remember your body in its injured state, and we can work to exchange that with a higher vision. If healing is stubborn from a solely physical attempt, energy healing could be the important boost we need.
When healing any issue, it would be most effective to treat it with all three levels in mind: the physical, mental and energetic.
It is good to receive energy work from someone who has experience with energy healing, and with spiritual matters. A reoccuring theme for healing and spiritual work is called being a clear channel, a hollow bone, or a hollow reed. The work of the practitioner is to step aside with their ego, clear themselves, their mind, and strongly hold the space and intention for the purest light energy to come through.
I feel that I give my best sessions when I connect to the highest energy possible, while holding a strong belief in the energy to do powerful transformational work. I hold a deep meditative space which I have learned from my experience learning spirituality. I also feel that holding compassion is a powerful ingredient to activate any type of spiritual healing.
Someone that you feel comfortable with, who you feel maintains focus and a sacred connection would be a great person to go to for your Reiki sessions. See if you can get a sense of what kind of energy they carry with them, and whether that resonates with your inner light or not.
To keep yourself clear and stay balanced it can be helpful to seek Reiki occasionally. Over time our own emotions or confrontations with other people start to reflect in our own energy field and we can use a cleanse. In general, I recommend keeping the work going and supporting yourself. Regular meditation, clearing and grounding are important for taking care of our energy bodies. If you find yourself dragging, some helpful outside support can be really useful. A monthly or occasional checkin can be a great way to stay on track.
I always found that one session every now and then helped bring me back to my center and was great to remind me of how nice spirit is, which would reinvigorate and inspire my spiritual life.
For simple cleansing and clearing the chakras, only one session is needed to be refreshed.
It could take two or three sessions to work on stuck energy, transmuting and removing a deeper blockage.